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1.Your administrator should assign you the paper questions which need to be reviewed in Paper Management ->Paper List, select the specific paper and click the right most column "Questions" to open the question list page:
2.In the question list page, choose the specific question you want to review:
For each question, we have question text and solution text, the correspondent editing button is "OCR Question" and "OCR Solution", the functionality is pretty much the same while editing target is either question text or solution text;
4.After you click "OCR Question" link, you will be redirected to the question text editing page:
this is the "What You See Is What You Are Editing" or WYSIWYAE editor.
All the question text you finish will be displayed in the above question text area, the render engine will display the final effect below the buttons.
Here are the functionality for each button:
Upload:Firstly make sure the mouse cursor is in the specific position where you want to insert the uploaded image, select part of the image in the image area, then click "Upload" button, the selected image part will be uploaded immediately and rendered below the buttons;
Block OCR:Firstly make sure the mouse cursor is in the specific position where you want to insert the OCRed image LATEX, select part of the image in the image area, then click "Block OCR" button, the selected image part will be OCRed immediately and rendered below the buttons. The generated OCR latex will be display as a block not occupying one line;
Line OCR:Firstly make sure the mouse cursor is in the specific position where you want to insert the OCRed image LATEX, select part of the image in the image area, then click "Line OCR" button, the selected image part will be OCRed immediately and rendered below the buttons. The generated OCR latex will be display as a line;
New Line:this button will insert a <br> between the question text and question options, <br> means starting a new line, which will display the options in a new line to make the question displaying elegant ;
Text OCR:Firstly make sure the mouse cursor is in the specific position where you want to insert the OCRed image text not LATEX, select part of the image in the image area, then click "Text OCR" button, the selected image part will be OCRed into text immediately and rendered below the buttons.
Render:Click this button if you want to see the real displaying effect after the LATEX is rendered;
AddBR:Click this button to add a new line HTML tag <br> to each line in the editing text area;
SaveToNexts:Click this button to save your selected text into next question text as prefix in this paper, start a new line with a specific number if you want to save your selected text into a few next questions. For example, select the following text :
"You can use calculator for this question:
Will save the text "You can use calculator for this question:" into next 5 question's question text as prefix.
Save:Save the editing work you finished into database, You MUST click this button if you did something otherwise all your work will be lost;
Here are the steps to share the notes to students in the class.
1.Open the course, switch into Editing Mode:
2.Click "Add an activity or resource" at the bottom:
3.Choose the File type to upload:
4.Input the file title and description then Drag your uploading file into the file box:
5.Drag the notes below the correspondent courseware to make students easier to review:
6.Switch off the Editing mode.
Thanks for uploading your notes to let students learn better!
请假需要在课程开始时间24小时之前提出。没有请假的同学因为忘记等原因缺课,课时会正常扣除。 如果需要补课,可以额外付费安排其他老师一对一补课。
Email Transfer的话需要至少一个季度一付,希望大家能够理解。
Email Transfer的接收邮箱是
Email Transfer的接收公司名称是:Rootofmath Education Limited
请假需要在课程开始时间24小时之前提出。没有请假的同学因为忘记等原因缺课,课时会正常扣除。 上一季度请假课时自动顺延到下一季度,下一季度缴费时不用缴纳顺延的课时学费。
2.到网站首页或产品列表页面找到对应考试或产品,打开缴费报名链接,点击"ADD TO CART",系统会提示添加到购物车成功了:
3.点击网站右上角的"Shopping cart":
1.Click and enter the classroom web page:
2.Click "Edit Setttings" on the top right corner:
3.Click the area block in the "Presentation content" section on this page:
4.On the pop up dialog, Click "System" Link:
5.Choose the correct PDF file for the current lesson:
6.REMEMBER to choose "Link to the file" then click button "Select this file",please do NOT choose "Make a copy of the file":
7.Click "Save and return to course" to finish your configuration.
8.Now click "Join Session" to start the classroom ,the configed presentation file will be loaded up automatically, you can scroll to next pages the same way as other software:
9.Now you can use the right drawing tools to draw anything you want on the slides in the same way you did in Zoom.
10.If you want to change the presentation file, you can click the file then click "Delete" to remove it first, repeat the previous steps to set the new presentation file.
Thank you to choose Rootmaths Classroom to make tutoring work much easier!
1.General question answer hint:
Multiplication symbol required between number and letter:
(Please write your answer in algebra, ^ standards for power ,* means multiplication, number and letter must be separator by operator, i.e. "t^3+12t" MUST be input as "t^3+12*t","1/(100x)" MUST be input as "1/(100*x)")
Square root:
(Please write your answer in algebra, "sqrt(101)" stands for )
n-th root: "root(2,5)" stands for or you can just input 2^(1/5).
2.Multiple answers for one question:
If you have 3 answers to the question, such as 12,23,65, please input "{12,23,65}".
The question hint:
(Please write your answer in set symbol, {a,b,c} means this question has three answers:a,b,c)
3.Recurring decimal numbers:
If your answer is "", the question hint:
(Please write your answer as "0.0\overline{234}",quotation marks required)
If your answer is "", just input "infty" for your answer
If your answer is "", just input "sum(x^(2*n-i)*y^i,i,0,2*n)" for your answer
If your answer is "", just input "{5*i,-5*i}" for your answer
1.Login Please input your email and password then click "LOG IN" to login into our website:
2.Then select My Account->My VIP Courses, click "Redirect To My Course" button to be redirected onto in one click:
You can also save your time by opening the course website: directly and then input your email and password:
Here you will see all courses you enrolled, please click the specific course name to enter the management page.

3.Please find the specific quiz you want to do then click the quiz link to open the quiz, then click “Attempt quiz now” button to start answer the questions。
Our system has complicated algebra functionality, please pay attention to the hint of the question before you input your answers.

1.登录。请输入你注册课程时使用的邮箱和密码,点击"LOG IN"登录到系统:
2.选择My Account->My VIP Courses,点击"Redirect To My Course"按钮一键跳转进入课程管理子站点:

3.找到对应的练习,点击练习链接,进入后点击“Attempt quiz now”按钮按照系统提示答题即可。

1.Login Please input your email and password then click "LOG IN" to login into our website:
2.Then select My Account->My VIP Courses, click "Redirect To My Course" button to be redirected onto in one click:
Here you will see all courses you enrolled, please click the specific course name to enter the management page.
You can also save your time by opening the course website: directly and then input your email and password:
You will see the booking course with name of " Coquitlam Learning Center" after you logined in:

1.登录。请输入你注册课程时使用的邮箱和密码,点击"LOG IN"登录到系统:
2.选择My Account->My VIP Courses,点击"Redirect To My Course"按钮一键跳转进入课程管理子站点:
登录后你会看到你报名的所有课程,点击名称为" Coquitlam Learning Center"的课程可以直接进入预定课程页面。